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Devil Scorpionfish
( Scorpaenopsis diabolus )  -  Fam. Scorpaenidae
   Maximum Length 30 cm         Andaman Sea               

Dory Snapper
( Lutjanus fulviflamma )  -  Fam. Lutjanidae
  Maximum Length 40 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea        


Doublebar Rabbitfish
( Siganus virgatus )  -  Fam. Siganidae
Other names Barhead Spinefoot
  Maximum Length 30 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea and Pacific Ocean            
It has poisonous stings, but since it doesn't allow humans to approach it, it can be considered not dangerous.

Eight-banded Butterflyfish
( Chaetodon octofasciatus )  -  Fam. Chaetodontidae
  Maximum Length 15 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea and Pacific Ocean        


Elegant Unicornfish
( Naso elegans )  -  Fam. Acanthuridae
Other names Orangespine Unicornfish
  Maximum Length 40 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea and Pacific Ocean        
Caudal fins are filamentous and contribute to make even more elegant this beautiful surgeonfish.

Emperor Angelfish
( Pomacanthus imperator )  -  Fam. Pomacanthidae
   Maximum Length 40 cm     Low to High depth     Andaman Sea        
Beautiful and colourful fish, often seen in couple. Young fishes have a pattern that is totally different from those of adults (dark, and with concentric ellipsoids).


Eupalette Surgeonfish
( Acanthurus nigricauda )  -  Fam. Acanthuridae
  Maximum Length 40 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea        
Often in big groups mixing with parrotfishes or other surgeonfishes.

False Clown Anemonefish
( Amphiprion ocellaris )  -  Fam. Pomacentridae
   Maximum Length 10 cm     Low depth     Andaman Sea and Pacific Ocean        
Easily recognisable by its 3 large white bands.


False Clown Anemonefish
( Amphiprion ocellaris )  -  Fam. Pomacentridae
Other names Clown Anemonefish
  Maximum Length 10 cm     Low depth     Andaman Sea and Pacific Ocean        
It lives in small groups within the anemones.

Five Lined Snapper
( Lutjanus quinqelineatus )  -  Fam. Lutjanidae
   Maximum Length 40 cm     Low to High depth     Andaman Sea        


Forktail Alligator
( Tylosurus crocodilus crocodilus )  -  Fam. Belonidae
  Maximum Length 150 cm     Low depth     Andaman Sea and Pacific Ocean      Feared by the fishermen. When it jumps attracted by lights may cause serious injuries.     
It can be spotted swimming quietly on the surface. Sometime it follows closely the swimmers or snorkellers. It is not aggressive, but is feared as it can cause serious injuries when it jumps after being frightened or when it is attracted by something (ex. lights of the fishermen's boats).

Giant Moray
( Gymnothorax javanicus )  -  Fam. Muraenidae
   Maximum Length 3 mt     Low to High depth     Andaman Sea and Pacific Ocean      May become very dangerous if disturbed.     
It is the biggest moray. Usually it is not aggressive to humans, but it can turn very dangerous if disturbed. It requires to be approached with great care.


Giant Puffer
Fam. Tetraontidae
             Andaman Sea            

Golden Damselfish
( Amblyglyphidodon aureus )  -  Fam. Pomacentridae
  Maximum Length 10 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea        
If feeds on plankton. It likes to stay in places rich of corals, where it can depose eggs in relative safety.


Grouper - Undetermined
Fam. Serranidae
            Andaman Sea        

Grouper (Undeterm.) eating an octopus
Fam. Serranidae
             Andaman Sea        


Honeycomb Grouper
( Epinephelus merra )  -  Fam. Serranidae
   Maximum Length 30 cm     Low to High depth     Andaman Sea        

Humpback Unicornfish
( Naso brachycentron )  -  Fam. Acanthuridae
   Maximum Length 80 cm     Middle depth     Andaman Sea        
Rare fish with a typical humpback. Only adult males have the rostrum.


Indian Triggerfish
( Melichthys indicus )  -  Fam. Balistidae
  Maximum Length 30 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea        
Almost always solitary. It digs holes under the corals where it can hide on occurrence (see video).

Indian-Vagabond Butterflyfish
( Chaetodon decussatus )  -  Fam. Chaetodontidae
  Maximum Length 20 cm     Low and Middle depth     Andaman Sea        

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